About ICF

Lou Browning

Principal Engineering Consultant, Advanced Transportation Technologies and Inventory Modeling
Lou is an internationally recognized expert with over four decades of advanced transportation technologies and inventory modeling experience.

Lou is an internationally recognized expert with over four decades of advanced transportation technologies and inventory modeling experience. Lou has played a significant role in helping the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) develop regulatory impact analyses for most mobile source rulemaking. He provided technologies and costs to meet future regulations for most of the on-highway and non-road rulemaking for the last 25 years. Lou examines the feasibility of new technologies, such as hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cells, and alternative fuel vehicles. He has expertise in fuel economy, cold startability, materials compatibility, exhaust, evaporative emissions, refueling challenges, and health and safety risks. Lou also determines lifecycle emissions (both criteria and greenhouse gas) for alternative and conventional fuels. He is an expert in estimating emissions from deep sea vessels in ports.

Lou helped the EPA with its application to the International Maritime Organization for a North American emission control area (ECA). He prepared emissions inventories of over 130 ports to analyze the effects of implementing an ECA in the United States and wrote the EPA guidance document on preparing port inventories. He also helped the EPA with its Ports Initiative. Lou appeared in the 2006 documentary film, "Who Killed the Electric Car?”

  • L. Browning. (June 2009). “NCFRP 16: Representing Freight in Air Quality and GHG Models,” Presented at the TRB Data for Goods Movement Impacts on Air Quality Workshop.
  • L. Browning et al. (October 2009). “Current Methodologies in Preparing Mobile Source Port Related Emission Inventories.” Presented at the 3rd METRANS National Urban Freight Conference.
  • L. Browning et al. (2012). "Demonstration of Fuel Switching on Oceangoing Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico." Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62:9, 1093-1101.
  • L. Browning. (2012). "U.S. Inventory of Mobile Source Black Carbon Emissions." Presented at the Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics: Visibility & Air Pollution Conference, September 24-28.
  • L. Browning. (April 2016). “Tanker Ship Hoteling Emissions.” Presented at the 26th CRC Real World Emissions Workshop.
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